
Did you know that tooth decay is the number one preventable childhood disease? Prevention begins with good dental habits, the right diet and regular visits to the dentist at a very early age. Here at Art Dentistry Maadi we cater to children of every age, and we love to educate parents and caretakers about good oral hygiene and nutrition because we want you to be able to make informed choices about your child’s dental health.

Complementary Infant Exam (0 to 1 yr)

Whether you’re an expecting parent or have a child younger than 12 months old, our goal is to help you and your child establish good dental habits and reduce the risk of cavities early on. Which is why we offer your infant an oral health exam, free of charge.

infant teeth


Toddler wellness visit (1 to 3 yrs)

Your visit will start with a Caries Risk Assessment to see whether your child’s teeth have or are showing early signs of cavities. Our team will also provide you with oral hygiene instructions and guidance regarding diet, nutrition and other oral habits. The right nutrition and a simple fluoride treatment may be a sufficient alternative to a filling or restoration.

If this is the first time you’re visiting us, we’ll introduce you to the “knee-to-knee” exam method, which simply means your toddler will sit on your lap while we work.

Junior Smiles (4 to 10 yrs)

These are the habit making or breaking years, where the teeth are developing and growing, so your child’s teeth need to be evaluated more closely. We’ll walk you through a Caries Risk Assessment to determine if your child has cavities, and we’ll provide you with oral hygiene instructions to address habits and prevent decay on the permanent teeth growing in.

At this age, we encourage you to let your child visit the chair alone. This independence allows children to focus on instructions given by our dental team and feel in charge.


young teeager

Young Smiles (11 yrs and Older)

Teenagers and young adults are busy these days, and visiting the dentist may not be their number one priority. However, it’s just as important to brush, floss and maintain regular dental appointments at this age. Teens actually have a higher rate of cavities due to frequent snacking, busy schedules and poor nutrition, and most already have all of their permanent teeth. Teeth that need to last a lifetime!

At this age, we also like to recommend an Orthodontic evaluation.